Kim Ha-seong’s defense
Major League Baseball (MLB) Kim Ha-seong (28, San Diego Padres) committed two errors on the 8th (Korean time).
On this day, Ha-seong Kim played shortstop in a game against the San Francisco Giants held at Oracle Park in San Francisco, USA, and made a bad throw that was well over the height of the first baseman when Jeong-hoo Lee (25, San Francisco Giants) hit an ordinary ground ball in the bottom of the sixth inning.
In the defense at the end of the 8th inning, he tagged the opposing runner during a double play, but in the process, the ball slipped out of his glove and the runner was unable to be put out.
This was the first time that Kim Ha-seong recorded two errors in one game since entering the big league. In addition, both of his mistakes resulted in goals, which became an excuse for the team to lose 2-3.
Kim Ha-seong, who met at the clubhouse after the game, said about the two mistakes, “I can’t help it. It’s in the past…” and bowed his head, saying, “I have nothing to say because it was my fault.”
Regarding the first mistake, Kim Ha-seong blamed himself, saying, “Jeong Hu was not conscious of it at all,” and “There was a situation that came into play, and it was my fault.” 메이저사이트
The ball that Kim Ha-seong threw to first base seemed to have slipped from his hand and went well past the first baseman.
Lee Jeong-hoo, who reached first base due to Kim Ha-seong’s error, said, “There are umpires who do not allow infielders to have personal rosin (anti-slip white powder) (on the ground), and this series umpires did the same.” He added, “My brother came out of the dugout with rosin on. “I think it was the point where it became less effective,” he said.
Regarding the second mistake, Ha-seong Kim said, “First of all, the catch was wrong, but it seems like (the ball) escaped as the runner was pushing.”
He said, “I had to make sure I could catch the out count,” and “Mistakes are something that can be made, but it’s unfortunate that there were two in one game.”
Ha-seong Kim scored an RBI to put the team ahead 2-0 in the top of the 6th inning, but it was overshadowed by two errors on the day.
He said, “It was okay because I had an RBI in the scoring position, but it’s unfortunate that the team lost due to a defensive mistake.” Still, he encouraged himself, saying, “There is a game tomorrow and there are games in the future, so I think I can do well in the future.” 온라인 슬롯